About me

The face behind K.A.M.E. Crochet

Hello and Welcome to my blog!

My name is Krisztina Anna Matejcsok-Edomer and I’m from Hungary. I am a mum of two beautiful children. I have a daughter and a son with 13 months age gap. They give me a lot of inspiration and love every day, which I try to show through my crochet work. I lived in the UK for more than 7 years and I started crocheting 4 years ago. 🙂 It was 2017 and I was pregnant with my son…

Me and my kids

I’ve always been a crafty person since my childhood and I always loved trying out new things. I’ve learnt to knit when I was 11 years old from an old book my mother had on the shelf. I liked it but didn’t knit a lot.

Life got busy with school and then work and I’ve done less and less crafts every year. I’ve seen my mum crocheting quite a lot but I was thinking it’s really complicated and I’ve never tried it.

So, when I was pregnant I really wanted to create something unique for my son. I knitted a white blanket but I wanted to add some extra to it so I looked online for crocheted borders. I loved the look of them. I decided to try it from a YouTube video, I found through Pinterest. It was a video from Bella Coco and the tutorial was for a shell stitch border.

I didn’t start with the easiest as beginners do but maybe that was my way to jump into it. When I finished the border I was super proud and I got totally hooked on!

I couldn’t believe that I was afraid to try crocheting for so many years because I was sure it’s complicated and it was absolutely not! Here’s the blanket I made for my son with the green crocheted border:

I told my husband I’m going to try making some other crocheted “stuff” so I watched another video from Bella Coco and I made a simple granny square. I could easily remember the instructions and I started to make a lot of them. I was at home resting and pregnant so I had a lot of time. I made 80 of them and I wanted to create my first fully crocheted blanket. I checked Pinterest how to join the squares and made it. It was a bit wonky and had a lot of mistakes but it was mine! My first ever crocheted blanket!

My first crocheted blanket!

There was no turning back from that point! 😀 I made a lot of blankets, hats and some shawls when I felt I could make some of my own original designs.

I wrote and published my very first pattern in October, 2018 and I made a lot more since then. After a few years I got more and more popular and I was designing for some big brands and magazinesn such as Simply Crochet, Scheepjes and Hobbii.

My intrudoction in Simply Crochet Magazine

I love creating the patterns, choosing the colours and thinking about the way I’m gonna make it. It needs a lot of creativity and patience but this is my pure joy, my favurite hobby, something I TRULY LOVE.

Some fun facts about me:

The name came from my initials: 𝐊risztina 𝐀nna 𝐌atejcsok-𝐄dömér

My husband gave me the idea back then as I couldn’t come up with anything good enough.😅

•I love J.R.R. Tolkien and Middle Earth so the names of my patterns are usually in Elvish.

•I am a bookworm, I love reading fantasies and sci-fi books mostly (Yes, you got it right, my favourite book..well..trilogy is The Lord of the Rings)

•I absolutely love Japanese animes plus traditional culture and my biggest dream is to visit Japan one day.

•I love fitness (I was a gym-rat before the kids) and now I’m trying to get back in shape.